Currently, I am working as a Project Assistant at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision at Graz University of Technology, Austria.
I am also pursuing a PhD in Computer Science under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Horst Bischof, the current rector of Graz University of Technology, and I am proud to work under his guidance.
I received my master’s degree in Mathematics from M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), graduating from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, which is also the alma mater of such outstanding mathematicians as Kolmogorov, Chebyshev, and many others.
My primary research interests focus on Deep Neural Networks in the field of Computer Vision, particularly in Multiple Object Detection and Tracking, Human Attribute Recognition, Human Pose Estimation, and Domain Adaptation, with applications to Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems, Autonomious Driving, and Robotics.
Into the Fog: Evaluating Robustness of Multiple Object Tracking
In Proc. of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2024
PaperProceedings Cite this paperBibTeX:
title = {{Into the Fog: Evaluating Robustness of Multiple Object Tracking}},
author = {Kirillova, Nadezda** and Mirza, M. Jehanzeb and Bischof, Horst and Possegger, Horst},
booktitle = {In Proc. of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
year = {2024}
A Comprehensive Crossroad Camera Dataset to Improve Traffic Safety of Mobility Aid Users
In Proc. of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2023
Paper Cite this paperBibTeX:
title = {{A Comprehensive Crossroad Camera Dataset to Improve Traffic Safety of Mobility Aid Users}},
author = {Mohr, Ludwig and Kirillova, Nadezda and Possegger, Horst and Bischof, Horst},
booktitle = {In Proc. of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
year = {2023}
Identifying and Extracting Pedestrian Behavior in Critical Traffic Situations
In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2023
Paper Cite this paperBibTeX:
title = {{Identifying and Extracting Pedestrian Behavior in Critical Traffic Situations}},
author = {Schachner, Martin and Schneider, Bernd and Wei{\ss}enbacher, Fabian and Kirillova, Nadezda and Possegger, Horst and Bischof, Horst and Klug, Corina},
booktitle = {In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)},
year = {2023}
Observation-based Pedestrian Scenario Extraction for Virtual Testing
In Proc. of the International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), 2023
Proceedings Cite this paperBibTeX:
title = {{Observation-based Pedestrian Scenario Extraction for Virtual Testing}},
author = {Schachner, Martin and Kirillova, Nadezda and Wei{\ss}enbacher, Fabian and Schneider, Bernd and Possegger, Horst and Bischof, Horst and Aichberger, Arno and Magosi, Zoltan Ferenc and Dobberstein, Jan and Lich, Thomas and Kirchengast, Martin and Hennecke, Marcus and Klug, Corina},
booktitle = {In Proc. of the International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV)},
year = {2023}
A Visual Surveillance System to Observe Realistic Road User Behavior for Improved Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety at Crossroads
In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2022
Paper Cite this paperBibTeX:
title = {{A Visual Surveillance System to Observe Realistic Road User Behavior for Improved Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety at Crossroads}},
author = {Kirillova, Nadezda and Possegger, Horst and Bischof, Horst},
booktitle = {In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS)},
year = {2022}